Westchester WarZone Private Gym Form

Please fill out all of the following information below about your Westchester WarZone Private Gym. We want to have as much information as possible in order for you to have the best experience. We will email you within 48 hours in order to confirm that your date and time works for us, and with the information on how you will pay for the private gym booking.

Please Note: This form does not guarantee the booking timeslot or your private gym reservation. After filling out this information, please check your email inbox for an email from us within 48 hours. You can also let us know in the message section if texting is an easier way to contact you. Our team will email or text you to confirm the booking.

1 Hour Nerf Time ($250)1.5 Hour Nerf Time ($375)2 Hours Nerf Time ($500)

*IMPORTANT* This form does not guarantee the booking timeslot or your private gym reservation. After filling out this information, please check your email inbox for an email from us within 48 hours. You can also let us know in the message section if texting is an easier way to contact you. Our team will email or text you to confirm the booking.